Exclusive CFO Black Book for financial decision-makers

Exclusive CFO Black Book for financial decision-makers

Digitization: How do you keep up as CFO?

The world is moving faster than ever before. Innovation cycles are getting shorter and shorter, and automation is advancing faster and faster in almost all areas of daily life. The way we work, but also the way we spend our leisure time, is changing and influenced by digitalization. Especially you as a financial decision-maker are pushed into a new self-concept of your role in the company.

What is finance digitization?

Financial digitization is of particular importance in the transformation process. Data helps to analyze the status quo. It is an important basis for strategic decisions - for example, to set up processes more efficiently, to increase compliance or to be able to act more quickly on the market. Digitization supports risk management and increases the agility and resilience needed in a constantly changing market environment.

CFO Challenges: Employee Satisfaction & Sustainability

Employee satisfaction: not too long ago mainly seen as a task for HR. Complex software decisions – where to invest and the utilization as well as the payoff are becoming more relevant.

Sustainability in the sense of resource conservation and environmental protection – former a nice to have and today a fundamental decision.

These are all topics that are more or less new or with a higher priority on your agenda. But they are for good reason, because they have an impact on the finances, the brand and the success of your company.

Content of the CFO Black Book

  • Insights on the topics of cloud, AI and sustainability
  • 3 ways to future-proof your business
  • 5 tips on how to reduce costs
  • 7 steps on how to improve employee satisfaction
  • 8 Rules for mobile scanning

German Version of the CFO Black Book