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HDSverify for Concur Connect

Echtzeitzugriff auf ALLE Gesundheitsdienstleister in Concur

Dieser Service ist in Ihrer Sprache nicht verfügbar. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Wir haben unten die Details in englischer Sprache zur Verfügung gestellt. HDSverify for Concur Connect from Healthcare Data Solutions provides pharmaceutical, medical device and life sciences healthcare organizations with timely, accurate and accessible healthcare provider credential data and for their federal, state and internal compliance reporting needs. With our HDSverify for Concur Connect solution, Concur Expense users can have real-time 24/7/365 access to verified/validated data on HCPs/HCOs for Sunshine Act Reporting. Data is updated to the cloud weekly and includes, but is not limited to Provider Name, Professional Designation, Practice/Hospital Name, Address, NPI, State License and Taxonomy/Specialty. HDSverify for Concur Connect has intuitive search options that enable users to easily identify healthcare providers, increasing user adoption and the accuracy of spend tracking. HDSverify for Concur Connect Provides You With: • Built‐in integration with Concur Connect. • Real-time search capabilities to the HDSverify Database of HCPs/HCOs. • Practitioner profile information cross-referenced to provide visibility to practice and associated practitioners, enabling the identification of Physicians at multiple addresses. • Critical credential/specialty data required for Sunshine Act Reporting (i.e. NPI#, State License Number, State of License and NPI Taxonomy). • HDS-owned data, eliminating the expense of royalty fees and allowing for greater flexibility. Locating a provider is fast and simple. Enter the information you have on the healthcare provider you need to locate – First Name, Last Name is all you need. Hit “Search” and a Web Services “Fetch” call is made from the Concur API to the HDS database. In less than a second, HDS returns all potential records and you select the appropriate provider. That record is retained in your local database at Concur (Favorit
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Funktioniert mit diesen SAP-Concur-Lösungen:
  • Expense - Standard
  • Expense - Professional
  • Invoice - Standard
  • Invoice - Professional
Verfügbare Regionen:
    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Albanien
    • Österreich
    • Belgien
    • Bosnien und Herzegowina
    • Bulgarien
    • Kroatien
    • Dänemark
    • Finnland
    • Frankreich
    • Deutschland
    • Irland
    • Italien
    • Mazedonien
    • Niederlande
    • Norwegen
    • Serbien und Montenegro
    • Slowenien
    • Schweden
    • Schweiz
    • Vereinigtes Königreich