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Corporate Rates Club

Gain access to CRC corporate booking portal for easy payment, billing services and cost savings.

Corporate Rates Club (CRC) - the business travel segment of TourisMarketing Service GmbH, has been in the market since 2002. CRC assists companies with the entire hotel booking process including savings, quality improvements as well as, a seamless digital hotel booking experience, from hotel search, offer display, booking and billing. CRC is now available via Concur TripLink which enables the ability to automatically transfer hotel bookings, cancellations, as well as, invoices directly into SAP Concur. Travelers may add a hotel booking or settlement to their itinerary in real time - either independently or to an existing trip. CRC delivers these benefits to corporate customers and their travelers including: • Access to the CRC Hotel Reservation and information system with 750,000 accommodations worldwide • Safe and secure Hotel Search features • Up-to-date prices as well as, specially negotiated corporate rates for all corporate customers • Apartment offers for long-term stays • Traveler profile management • Recommended Hotel selection with different sorting functions and integrated hotel reviews • Automatic dispatch of payment • Capability to integrate with your corporate intranet • Access to online statistics tool • Support by the CRC booking hotline • Worldwide centralized payment and billing solutions via AirPlus • Labelling of contracting hotels • Activation of contract rates • Aligns with your company’s internal travel expense guidelines CRC offers customers central billing in partnership with Airplus which: • Eliminates the need for additional company credit card, advance on travel expenses or invoice verification or approvals • Provides more transparency of business travel expenses with clear separation of personal expenses • Delivers considerable process cost savings • Consolidates collective invoice instead of individual hotel receipts that contains all booking and invoice data • Displays all individual items including the VAT rates and tax deductions where applicable • Offers tax deductions for home stays leveraging AirPlus Virtual Cards with invoice procurement by the CRC • Provides access to reporting tools at no-cost to assist with accounting data, hotel purchasing and booking behavior You must have Concur Web Services Administration access to activate this integration. If you need administrator access, please click on “request information” or contact your SAP Concur Client Executive.
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Funktioniert mit diesen SAP-Concur-Lösungen:
  • TripLink
Verfügbare Regionen:
    • Anguilla
    • Antigua und Barbuda
    • Aruba
    • Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Bermuda
    • Kanada
    • Kaimaninseln
    • Costa Rica
    • Dominica
    • Dominikanische Republik
    • El Salvador
    • Grenada
    • Guadeloupe
    • Guatemala
    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Jamaika
    • Martinique
    • Mexiko
    • Montserrat
    • Niederländische Antillen
    • Nicaragua
    • Panama
    • Puerto Rico
    • St. Barthélemy
    • St. Kitts und Nevis
    • St. Lucia
    • St. Martin
    • St. Pierre und Miquelon
    • St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
    • Sao Tome und Principe
    • Trinidad und Tobago
    • Turks- und Caicosinseln
    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Britische Jungferninseln
    • Amerikanische Jungferninseln
    • Afghanistan
    • Åland-Inseln
    • Albanien
    • Algerien
    • Andorra
    • Angola
    • Armenien
    • Österreich
    • Aserbaidschan
    • Bahrain
    • Vogtei Guernsey
    • Belarus
    • Belgien
    • Benin
    • Bosnien und Herzegowina
    • Botsuana
    • Bulgarien
    • Burkina Faso
    • Burundi
    • Kamerun
    • Kap Verde
    • Zentralafrikanische Republik
    • Tschad
    • Kongo, Demokratische Republik
    • Kongo
    • Côte d'Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste)
    • Kroatien
    • Zypern
    • Tschechische Republik
    • Dänemark
    • Dschibuti
    • Ägypten
    • Äquatorialguinea
    • Eritrea
    • Estland
    • Äthiopien
    • Europäische Union
    • Färöer
    • Finnland
    • Frankreich
    • Gabun
    • Gambia
    • Georgien
    • Deutschland
    • Ghana
    • Gibraltar
    • Griechenland
    • Grönland
    • Heiliger Stuhl (Staat Vatikanstadt)
    • Ungarn
    • Island
    • Irak
    • Irland
    • Israel
    • Italien
    • Jordanien
    • Kenia
    • Kuwait
    • Lettland
    • Libanon
    • Lesotho
    • Liberia
    • Libyen
    • Liechtenstein
    • Litauen
    • Luxemburg
    • Mazedonien
    • Malawi
    • Mali
    • Malta
    • Mauretanien
    • Mauritius
    • Mayotte
    • Republik Moldau
    • Monaco
    • Marokko
    • Mosambik
    • Namibia
    • Niederlande
    • Niger
    • Nigeria
    • Norwegen
    • Oman
    • Pakistan
    • Polen
    • Portugal
    • Katar
    • Rumänien
    • Russland
    • Serbien
    • San Marino
    • Saudi-Arabien
    • Senegal
    • Jugoslawien
    • Serbien und Montenegro
    • Seychellen
    • Sierra Leone
    • Slowakei
    • Slowenien
    • Somalia
    • Südafrika
    • Südsudan
    • Spanien
    • Sudan
    • Svalbard und Jan Mayen
    • Eswatini
    • Schweden
    • Schweiz
    • Tansania
    • Togo
    • Tunesien
    • Turkey
    • Uganda
    • Ukraine excluding Crimea Region/Sevastopol, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) / Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR)
    • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
    • Vereinigtes Königreich
    • Jemen
    • Zaire
    • Sambia
    • Simbabwe